Product Information

Aluminum Nitrate

Aluminum Nitrate (CAS Number: 13473-90-0) Supplier in Europe

Aluminum nitrate, with the chemical formula Al(NO3)3, is an inorganic compound widely used in various industrial processes and applications. It’s a salt consisting of aluminum cations and nitrate anions and typically appears as a white, crystalline solid.

Due to its high solubility in water, it’s commonly utilized in aqueous solutions for a multitude of purposes, including the extraction and purification of other compounds.

In industry, aluminum nitrate serves as a strong oxidizing agent. It finds a role in the production of antiperspirants, corrosion inhibitors, and as a catalyst in the petroleum refining process. The compound is also used in the manufacture of explosives and fireworks due to its oxidizing properties.

The use of aluminum nitrate extends to the field of metallurgy, where it’s employed in surface treatments and finishing of metals.

In this context, it’s used to produce aluminum oxide coatings that enhance corrosion resistance. In addition, it’s a component in dyes and inks for textiles and printing industries, playing a part as a mordant that helps in the adhesion of dye to fabrics.

Chemical Properties

Aluminum nitrate is a salt widely used in various applications due to its chemical properties. Understanding these properties is crucial for its handling and use in industrial processes.

Molecular Formula

The molecular formula for aluminum nitrate is Al(NO3)3. It consists of one aluminum atom (Al) and three nitrate groups (NO3), where each nitrogen atom is surrounded by three oxygen atoms in a planar arrangement.

Physical State

At room temperature, aluminum nitrate commonly exists as a solid. It is characterized by its crystalline structure, usually manifesting in the form of a white powder or colorless crystals.


Aluminum nitrate is highly soluble in water:

  • Water: High solubility at room temperature

Its solubility also extends to other solvents, such as:

  • Ethanolic: Soluble
  • Methanol: Soluble

The compound dissociates into aluminum and nitrate ions when dissolved, which is a property exploited in various chemical applications.


Aluminum nitrate is produced through distinct processes depending on the scale and intended use. The industrial synthesis caters to large-scale production, while laboratory preparation is tailored for smaller quantities and controlled conditions.

Industrial Synthesis

At the industrial level, aluminum nitrate is typically synthesized by reacting bauxite, an aluminum ore, with nitric acid. The process involves several steps:

  1. Bauxite digestion: Bauxite is digested in nitric acid to form aluminum nitrate.
    • Al(OH)_3 + 3 HNO_3 → Al(NO_3)_3 + 3 H_2O
  2. Purification: The solution may contain impurities that are removed through methods such as filtration or centrifugation.
  3. Concentration: The purified solution of aluminum nitrate is concentrated by evaporating water, often under reduced pressure to lower the boiling point and prevent decomposition.
  4. Crystallization: Upon cooling, aluminum nitrate crystallizes out of the solution, which is then collected and dried.

Laboratory Preparation

In a laboratory setting, aluminum nitrate can be prepared using more precise and controlled reactions. Here are the typical steps:

  • Direct acidification: Pure aluminum or aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is reacted directly with dilute nitric acid.
    • 2 Al + 6 HNO_3 → 2 Al(NO_3)_3 + 3 H_2↑
    • Al2O3 + 6 HNO_3 → 2 Al(NO_3)_3 + 3 H2O
  • Temperature control: The reaction is kept at a lower temperature to minimize the production of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a toxic byproduct.
  • Concentration and crystallization: Similar to the industrial process, the resultant solution can be concentrated and crystallized to obtain the final compound.


Aluminum nitrate is a versatile compound with various applications across different industries due to its properties as an oxidizing agent and a source of aluminum and nitrogen.

Industrial Uses

Aluminum nitrate is most commonly used in the manufacturing sector. It serves as a pivotal component in the production of antiperspirants and corrosion inhibitors.

Aluminum nitrate also plays a role in the surface treatment of metals, where it is used in anodizing aluminum. Here it creates a protective oxide layer that increases resistance to corrosion and wear.

  • Manufacturing:
    • Antiperspirants
    • Corrosion inhibitors
  • Metal Treatment:
    • Anodizing agent for aluminum

Medical Uses

In medical settings, this compound’s astringent properties make it useful. Aluminum nitrate is leveraged for its tissue constricting effects, often in topical medication to reduce swelling and minimize bleeding during minor procedures.

  • Medication:
    • Astringent for swelling reduction
    • Hemostatic agent to control bleeding

Agricultural Uses

Aluminum nitrate finds its utility in the agricultural industry as well. It’s an essential component in fertilizers due to its nitrogen content, which is crucial for plant growth.

Moreover, it is used in controlled agricultural experiments to study the effects of aluminum exposure on crops.

  • Fertilizers:
    • Source of nitrogen
  • Agricultural Research:
    • Plant growth studies involved with aluminum exposure

Regulatory Information

Aluminum Nitrate is regulated due to its chemical properties. It is important for entities handling or transporting this substance to be aware of and comply with the relevant regulations.

Handling Regulations

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Handlers must wear appropriate PPE, including gloves, goggles, and lab coats.
  • Ventilation: Ensure laboratory or industrial settings have proper ventilation systems to prevent inhalation of dust or fumes.

Shipping Regulations

  • UN Number: The UN number for Aluminum Nitrate is UN1438.
  • Hazard Class: It is classified as a Class 5.1 oxidizing agent.
  • Packaging: It must be contained in appropriate packaging that complies with federal and international shipping standards.