Product Information

Diethyl Ketone

Diethyl Ketone (CAS No: 96-22-0) Supplier in Europe

Diethyl Ketone, also known as 3-pentanone or ethyl ketone, is a versatile solvent used in various industrial applications.

Its primary benefit lies in its efficacy as a solvent for resins, waxes, and several organic compounds.

Characterized by its colorless appearance and pleasant odor, Diethyl Ketone is valued for its high solvency power and low boiling point.

In the pharmaceutical industry, it is employed for the synthesis of specific chemicals.

This compound’s stability and non-reactivity make it suitable for use in food packaging and other materials that require stringent safety standards.

Its applications extend to coatings, lacquers, and as an intermediate in organic synthesis.

Safety is paramount when handling Diethyl Ketone.

Adequate ventilation and protective equipment are recommended due to potential health risks if inhaled or ingested.

Their proper storage involves keeping it in a cool, dry place away from any ignition sources.

Chemical Structure of Diethyl Ketone

Diethyl ketone, or 3-pentanone, has the chemical formula C5H10O. It belongs to the class of simple ketones, which contain a carbonyl group (C=O) bonded to two alkyl groups.

The structure consists of a central carbonyl carbon atom bonded to a methyl group (CH3) on one side and an ethyl group (C2H5) on the other. This arrangement makes it a symmetrical molecule.

Key Points

  • Molecular Weight: 86.13 g/mol
  • Appearance: Colorless liquid
  • Functional Groups: Ketone (C=O)

Chemical Notation

  • IUPAC Name: Pentan-3-one
  • SMILES Notation: CCC(=O)CC

Structural Formula

In its three-dimensional structure, the carbon atoms form an almost tetrahedral arrangement around each carbon, with bond angles close to 109.5 degrees.

The carbonyl group introduces a planar region within the otherwise tetrahedral geometry.

Bond Lengths and Angles

  • C-C Bond Length: Approximately 1.53 Å
  • C=O Bond Length: Approximately 1.23 Å
  • C-C-C Bond Angle: Approximately 116.2 degrees

The presence of the carbonyl group significantly influences its reactivity and interactions with other molecules, making it an important substance in organic synthesis.

Production Methods

Diethyl ketone can be produced through various chemical processes. The most common methods involve using alcohol precursors and catalytic dehydrogenation of diethyl alcohol.

Synthesis from Alcohol Precursors

This method involves converting alcohols into diethyl ketone using specific chemical reactions.

One common approach is using ethanol as the starting material.

Ethanol undergoes oxidative dehydrogenation to form acetaldehyde, which then reacts with additional ethanol to yield diethyl ketone.

The process frequently employs catalysts such as copper or palladium to enhance reaction efficiency.

Additionally, temperature and pressure control are critical for optimizing the yield.

This method is highly preferred in industrial settings due to its relative simplicity and cost-effectiveness.

Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Diethyl Alcohol

Catalytic dehydrogenation of diethyl alcohol is another efficient method for producing diethyl ketone.

In this process, diethyl alcohol is subjected to dehydrogenation in the presence of a catalyst.

Commonly used catalysts include copper, zinc oxide, and chromium oxide.

The reaction typically occurs at elevated temperatures between 300-500°C to ensure effective dehydrogenation.

This method is advantageous due to its high conversion rates and selectivity towards diethyl ketone.

By carefully selecting the catalyst and reaction conditions, manufacturers can achieve high purity and yield in this production method.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Diethyl Ketone exhibits several notable physical and chemical characteristics. Important properties to consider include its boiling and melting point, solubility and miscibility, and refractive index.

Boiling and Melting Point

Diethyl Ketone, with a molecular formula of C5H10O, has a boiling point of approximately 102°C.

This relatively low boiling point reflects its volatility. The melting point is around -41°C, indicating it remains liquid over a wide range of temperatures.

Solubility and Miscibility

Diethyl Ketone is soluble in many organic solvents, including alcohol and ether. It is only slightly soluble in water.

This differential solubility makes it versatile in various industrial applications. When mixed with water, it demonstrates limited miscibility, which can affect its use in aqueous solutions.

Refractive Index

The refractive index of Diethyl Ketone is approximately 1.383 at 20°C.

This property is crucial for its identification and purity assessment.

Refractive index measurements help determine the compound’s concentration in mixtures and its interactions with other substances.


Diethyl Ketone is a versatile compound used as a solvent, an intermediate in organic synthesis, and has specific roles within the pharmaceutical industry. It is highly valued for its chemical properties.

Solvent Uses

Diethyl Ketone is commonly used as a solvent.

Its ability to dissolve both polar and nonpolar substances makes it essential in various industrial processes.

It is particularly effective in applications requiring quick and efficient solvent evaporation.

Its low boiling point and relative non-reactivity contribute to its effectiveness.

Industries that benefit include paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing, where it aids in achieving desired consistency and drying times.

Intermediate in Organic Synthesis

In organic synthesis, Diethyl Ketone is a valuable intermediate.

It participates in different chemical reactions, facilitating the formation of complex molecules.

Its reactivity with various reagents and capacity to form enolates makes it useful in aldol condensations and other carbon–carbon bond-forming reactions.

The pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical industries rely on Diethyl Ketone for the synthesis of active ingredients and other essential compounds.

Researchers appreciate its predictable behavior and efficiency in lab-scale experiments.

Pharmaceutical Industry Applications

Diethyl Ketone plays a role in the pharmaceutical industry. It is used in the synthesis of intermediates that form active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

This compound assists in the production of various medications due to its ability to act as a building block for complex molecules.

Its versatility also allows for applications in formulation processes where specific solubility and evaporation characteristics are required.

Ensuring purity and consistency in pharmaceutical products, Diethyl Ketone is a trusted component in drug synthesis and development processes.